Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Grammy & the Dancing PopChip Baby

Hello PopChips network, the voting concluded today-March 9th. I promoted all I could on my Facebook & Twitter accounts without totally annoying anyone-the final tally was 84 -Renitta "Grammy" Long aka PictureLady82. Yes...I know I would be a complete underdog.... in pulling off a win..due to the fact the top candidate has 11,000 votes. Guess I should have utilized a RenRen account oversees in China. China's social media with an interface similar to our Facebook.

But you know..people asked questions-and I answered as best I could. I know that PopChips is a good product, so I can stand whole heartedly behind it-no doubt.

As far as being PopChip VP or winning $50K, I know it would be a long shot. I have been absorbing this social media phenomena-and "I Love It!" It is the next industrial revolution. If selected I would promote, promote & promote far and wide, nationally and internationally. Being in the photography business for 20+ years, I have global connections.

And it starts with local exposure too!!! It's where you hang your hat, and I hang mine here in Decatur, Texas (the cowboy capital of the world). Why we've got more winning champions & rodeo competitors here ... than you can shake a stick at... they need the best snack too...

Just less than an hour from the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex, and it is hard to find PopChips, here. I want to change that...scenerio... I want to PopChips into lots of hands & Pop some exciting Pics along the way...................................

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