Wednesday, March 2, 2011

PopChips VP Campaign Video

THIS IS IT !!!! Renitta Long's entry video for the PopChips VP candidacy. We just made the deadline for this-before midnight on March 2nd. Coming in @ #213 of about 236 videos. It was such a fiasco to get completed and uploaded for submission. I crashed my computer about 6 times-as it blue screened on me. And I had to learn a new video software all in a day. A friend's teenage daughter, Anna was going to assist me with the video edit, but she was struck ill. The day of the shoot my actor/videographer/sidekick was late, forgot the props-which was a boombox and the most important item of all, the PopChips. Leave it to Arthur, God love him he did his best. He is a Navajo Native American Indian and just as sweet as he can be. We had a nice lunch together at one of my favorite hangouts here in Decatur~Main Street Home & Garden's Down the Alley Cafe' (organic food).

We discussed the treatment as to how we would include the popular dancing baby theme...and go off The Home Improvement's Mr. Wilson's hidden features-with Arthur. Granted I reversed roles with Arthur..he is normally the actor in front of the camera and I am the photographer behind the camera. We wanted it to have the basis of the pop culture's reality television. Make it be as true to life as possible, and include the events of the day..... and so forth.. Keeping it raw to form.. Using very basic equipment- a compact digital camera-Nikon Coolpix L-16. And a 70's theme tye-dyed backdrop which Pops with splashes of color-Just Like PopChips. It was hard to keep a straight face....We did everything in one take, it was supposed to be a run through...but the other versions did not look as well. The dancing baby nailed his performance from the get go...being a natural cutie that he is. My co-star/grandson/Caiden is almost 4 months old. I go by Grammy---doesn't seem possible that I can be a boomer that I am.... Baby Cade already has some moves of his own.. as you will see in the video. Vote 4 Grammy & the Dancing PopChip Baby.... "I think it's time to dance!"

Click on this Link To Dance:

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